Fiona, curiously enough, I put up a recipe for wild ramps buttermilk biscuits, which is the North American equivalent of your wild garlic scones, I think, but I didn't have the lovely, mysterious, semi-pagan customs of Rogation days to add to it. Thank you for a wonderful read!

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Aw thank you for replying. I'm looking for two recipes: Rogation Cake (caraway seeds) & Rammelation Biscuits. The scones fitted (picnic) and ramsons (ramps) are still readily available. Have you tried juicing the leaves of ramps and then mixing with oil for a dressing. Vibrant green. Such a lovely colour. The juice freezes - use an ice cube container.

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i was just looking for ramsons in Dorothy Hartley but could find no reference. She does refer to wild garlic but it clearly isn't the same--she says the white flowers are used in salads. But juicing the ramps--a great idea but it must wait till next year. Thanks for the inspiration!

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